Set in the year 2100, Mashacare is a floating city inhabited by those whom have been abandoned on Earth while the rich colonize the cosmos. Mashacare, named after the founder, a Russian babushka (Masha), is a matriarchal utopia within a dystopic setting surrounded by trash islands. The inhabitants dress flamboyantly, wearing custom designed and tailored clothing, acknowledging diverse body types. Following a Constructivist vision and trajectory, textiles are custom designed. One such textile celebrates the city's unofficial mantra: "Mama, we eradicated: illness, violent men, trash, money, misogyny, heteronormativity, xenophobia, homelessness, weapons."

Many of the items in this collection consists of fabric scraps and remnants from the production of Mashacare Spring Summer Collection 2019, which consisted of 20 unique looks. Mashacare: Home of the Freaks, Misfits, & Weirdoes was presented at California Institute of the Arts (February 2019) and Hunter Shaw Fine Art (July 2019).

Molly Surazhsky

Titlesort descending Artist(s)/Author(s) Date Acquired Reference #
Mashacare Home of the Freaks Misfits & Wierdoes Molly Surazhsky 10/9/2022
[mashacare constructivist cotton fabric scrap] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare constructivist cotton fabric swatches] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare constructivist screen printed cotton fabric scraps] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare fabric swatch baba yaga] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare healthcare for the people mister twister fabric scraps] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare healthcare for the people pussy riot fabric scraps] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare healthcare for the people witch hunt fabric scrap] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare mama we eradicated... fabric scrap] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare satin poly varvara stepanova fabric scrap] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare: home of the freaks, misfits, & weirdoes astrological chart fabric scrap] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[mashacare: home of the freaks, misfits, & weirdoes motherwort chiffon fabric scraps] Molly Surazhsky 6/30/2020
[please stay safe and keep a 6 foot distance] Molly Surazhsky 3/25/2021
[textile - with error] Molly Surazhsky 3/25/2021