AW Episode 27: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Racist?
Format: Audio
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 12/21/2014
Reference Number: DO.9324.MO
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 12/21/2014
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

I think it is safe to say (although not altogether accepted) that everyone has or has had racist or racially discriminatory thoughts and beliefs or, at the very least, maintained a racial stereotype. We cannot help it. Whether we like it or not, we have all been fully absorbed and integrated into a white supremacist system, a system based on hierarchies and binaries and a system that is essentially racist. This system has seeped into the way our genes express themselves so we automatically and continually place things and people within our own personal hierarchical systems in order to help us feel safe in a world built on classification, rank, status, and authority. If we wish to realize true equality and democracy, the entire system has to be questioned. And in order to question the entire system, we have to reveal the parts of ourselves that are wholly influenced by it. Join me and guest co-host, Lauren Martinez, as we begin exposing our own racist thoughts, our own stereotypes, our own discrimination, and our own judgments of other people in order to move beyond them, revolutionizing our internal systems and, consequently, the world. Robert's race playlist.

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