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title: AW Episode 14: It's a Family Affair
aired: 10/20/2013
artists/guests: Jennifer Moon, Robert Watkins
keywords: revolution, love, family
venue: KCHUNG

description: The organization of family, the power structure played out within family, the ideologies and core beliefs espoused by the family mimic and perpetuate the organization, power structure, ideologies and core beliefs of the larger socio-economic system in which the family exists. The human family is an institution where a child learns the norms and ideals of the dominant culture in society. The family is where one initially learns how to love, how to perceive oneself and others, and how to interact and maneuver in the world. If you want to change the world, you must change the family. How did we learn to love and desire the very things that oppress and exploit us? It starts with the family. So what kind of family are you creating? Listen to this revealing episode of AW to learn the secrets hidden behind the walls of the Moon family household, those secrets that helped create unwanted identities and labels during my early years of socialization, which I carried with me into adulthood to tyrannize myself and others, and then later transformed to stimulate my drive for revolution! Robert's family playlist.

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