Can we code to care and code carefully? The Distributed Web of Care (DWC) is a research initiative on communication infrastructure, exploring the Distributed Web as a peer-to-peer, alternative web which prioritizes personhood, collective agency and individual ownership of data and code. Initiated by Taeyoon Choi, artist and cofounder of the School for Poetic Computation in NYC, in collaboration with various artists, writers, technologists and community organizers, DWC imagines distributed networks as a form of interdependence and stewardship, in critical opposition to the network platforms and infrastructures that dominate the world today.
At LACA, Taeyoon Choi will focus on archiving the DWC skillshares, performances and parties, and hold a few informal gatherings of LA based practitioners over home cooked meals. Follow their process on the project website and LACA's social media.
1/12/2019 to 1/18/2019