The 13 Ba'tun Codex A Fictional Maya Tale of Death and Redemption
Artist(s)/Author(s): Ignacio Fernández
Format: Book
ISBN: 978-1-943274-84-0
Publisher: 13 Bak'tun Press
City Produced/Published: Los Angeles
Reference Number: B.34454.FE
Acquisition Date: 1/27/2023
Copies: 1
Collection: Ignacio Fernandez
Provenance: Ignacio Fernandez
Donated By: Ignacio Fernandez

"The 13 Bak'tún Codex contains 13 images and a fictional narrative, inspired by Maya rituals and lore, assembled into a traditional folded-book format, used by the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica. Each page is labeled by a set of Maya glyphs representing each of the 400-years units of time, or bak'túns, that comprise the latest Maya time cycle, which began 5,125 years ago and ended in December 21, 2012."

- Fast Books Press

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