29025 Eveningside Drive
Format: Book
Reference Number: OS.39068.BL
Acquisition Date: 1/27/2025
Copies: 1
Collection: John Birtle
Donated By: John Birtle

29025 Eveningside Drive is an exhibition place created in a private house in a community called Val Verde outside of Los Angeles, California. Hollywood filmmakers use the name ãVal VerdeÒ to indicate a fictional country. This allows them to avoid any political or legal issues. Val Verde is a synonym for a safe spot so to say. We came to use Val Verde as our own fictional country and safe place, where we could experiment and come together in a social art environment. During 2007 we invited several artists to create art works in this environment and are very pleased with this catalogue to present the outcome of four exhibitions.

-Ina Viola Blasius


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