Against Schools!!! & The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling
Artist(s)/Author(s): John Taylor Gatto
Format: Book
Date Published/Produced: 2009
Reference Number: ST.34302.GA
Acquisition Date: 11/30/2022
Copies: 1

From the publisher: "John Taylor Gatto is one of the most widely-recognized and well-known voices in the ever-expanding chorus of homeschooling and unschoolers, reformists and radical calling for the abolition of obligatory schooling, the freeing of children's lives and minds. This zine combines two of Gatto's articles, and was put together in hopes of introducing the concept of unschooling to radical folks who don't yet know there are alternatives to forced schooling, and in hopes of changing the minds of those radicals who still believe such schooling is a suitable system of education for ourselves and our children."

- D.R. 

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