Am I not here? Copyright-free, Bonnie
Artist(s)/Author(s): Guan Rong
Format: Book
Edition: 300
Reference Number: OS.3722.RO
Acquisition Date: 6/17/2014
Donated By: Art Book Review

Each set/package contains:
1. A picture book, a collection of small drawings I did, notes from 2 very important and influential classes I took, and some images from my appointment books from 2000 to 2009. 78 pages. 300 copies total.
2. Copyright-Free, Bonnie, is a collection of self-selected notes, writings, short stories, homework, and letters from 1997 to 2008. Both in English and Chinese. 145 pages. 300 copies total.
3. Am I Not Here? is an autobiographical documentary film directed by Mike HJ Chang ( and me. 60 mins. 300 copies total. the trailer,