AW Episode 12: That was Then, This is Now
Artist(s)/Author(s): Jennifer Moon, Alex Segade
Format: Audio
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 8/18/2013
Reference Number: DO.6316.MO
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 8/18/2013
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

There is a poem often referred to as Reason, Season, Lifetime. It starts off stating, "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime" and it goes on describing these three manifestations. When I consider the friendships I've had throughout my life, I often think of this poem; and there is one relationship in particular that seems to traverse all three types and that is with my friend, Alex Segade. Alex and I have known each other for twenty-two years, meeting fresh out of high school during UCLA orientation. Since then, we have been best friends, collaborators, questioned our relationship, drifted apart, denounced our friendship, and now reunited on AW! During our closest times together, I thought Alex was the smartest person in the world and he wondered if I was a sociopath. Listen in on some old friends in new times and hear how our past perceptions of each other affect our interactions today as we discuss our relationship, art, My Barbarian, psychoanalysis, religion, identity, and more! Alex and Jennifer's friendship playlist.

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