AW Episode 18: An Anxious-Free America
Artist(s)/Author(s): Jennifer Moon, Robert Watkins
Format: Audio
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 3/16/2014
Reference Number: DO.7330.MO
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 3/16/2014
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

According to the Internet, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States and America is the most anxious country in the world. Anxiety and stress have become almost a natural way of being for many Americans. It is part of our everyday emotional vocabulary to say things like, “This situation is giving me anxiety.” or “You are about to give me a panic attack.” or simply, “I am so fucking stressed out!” But what do we really mean when we make statements like that and what exactly is anxiety and stress? We often use those words interchangeably but there is a difference between the two. Listen as I unpack the definitions and sources of stress and anxiety and adventure within my desire for control, my lack of trust, my thoughts, fears, and beliefs that create my moments of anxiety. We may not be able to eliminate the world of external stressors but let's work towards an anxious-free America! Robert's anxiety playlist.

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