Box of Books vol. IV
Artist(s)/Author(s): Darin Klein
Format: Archive Item, Paper Document(s), Other
Edition: Edition of 100
Dimensions: 7.25 x 4.75
Series: Box of Books
Date Aired/Exhibited: 11/5/2011
City Produced/Published: Los Angeles
Reference Number: B.29406.KL
Acquisition Date: 11/3/2017
Collection: Human Resources
Donated By: Eric Kim

Box of Books, Vol. IV showcases the work of Darren Ankenbauer (Handbook Magazine), Heather Benjamin, AA Bronson, Julia Dzwonkoski & Kye Potter, Brennan Gerard & Ryan Kelly, Abel Baker Gutierrez, Johanna Jackson, Chris Johanson, Christopher Kardambikis, Dawn Kasper, David Larsen, Sarah Locke, Jeaneen Lund, Francesca Mirabella, Zac Monday, Erwin Ong, Davy Rothbart, Jen Smith, Chris Vargas & Greg Youmans, and e war. 

An edition of 100 boxes, all containing each of the participants’ work - a diverse and exciting mix of images and texts, and a broad range of styles and concepts.



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