[everyday archive worksheets from LACA Migrating Pedagogies workshop]
Format: Paper Document(s)
Keywords: Worksheets
Reference Number: B.34803.EV
Acquisition Date: 5/17/2023
Collection: reCourse work
Donated By: Hailey Loman

Worksheets from Practices of Study with Community Reading Group and Los Angeles Contemporary Archive. 

Practices of Study is an informal monthly dinner series hosting projects that are reimagining education and building other spaces of study, learning, and gathering.

May 10th, 2023 Community Reading Group led a conversation of Audre Lorde's "Po-etry is Not a Luxury" selected by LACA followed by workshopping the Private Practices collection at LACA together. The workshop was followed by soup and drinks. Around thirty people attended the event. 

9 Worksheets
2 poems with marginelia 



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