The eyes of fire, the nostrils of air, the mouth of water, the beard of earth
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All audio recorded at the San Francisco Art Institute, The Church of the Epiphany in Lincolm Heights, Madison, WI, and Downtown Los Angeles.
Thanks to Julie Tolentino for her courage, inpsiration and generosity, Stosh Fila (aka Pigeon) for his fearlessness. I would also like to thank John Burtle, Alexandra Delafkaran, Pony Lee Estrange, Anja Flowers, Emi Fotana, Shoghig Halajian, Tania Hammidi, Geneva Skeen, Mark Steger, and the San Francisco Art Institute. And always, my deepest thanks to Yann Novak.
Cover: Julie Toletino: Drive Your Cart And Plow Over The Bones Of The Dead, 2014. Photo by Robert Crouch. Mastered by Lawrence English at 158.
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