FREE FLOW, episode 11
Artist(s)/Author(s): Chrysanthe O
Format: Audio
Keywords: radio show, presidential election, RNC, interview, yoga, healing trauma, musical performance, in-studio
Reference Number: DO.20820.O
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 7/22/2016
Collection: KCHUNG Archive
Description: br>
starts off with reflections on the presidential election and the Republican National Convention. around the 1-hour mark, an interview with Jill Ippolito and Laura VanDenBergh of Uprising Yoga, a nonprofit that "brings yoga to incarcerated youth and underserved communities" ( we talk about the origins of the organization and the benefits of trauma-informed yoga life skills, and I leave inspired to do more yoga! ends with a melodious musical performance by Callysto <3
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