[Gigi Chatroom]
Format: Digital File
Keywords: Rave, Cabarave, AI
Reference Number: DO.35765.GI
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 11/27/2023


Chatroom capture by Galerie Yeche Lange and Jared Madere to "allow attendees to enter the metaverse while in the venue." This software was related to Tantrum, "L.A.'s first cabarave," allowing you to chat with AI character Gigi, "the cabaret queen."


Oh, hello there, my dear, I'm Gigi, the cabaret queen, let's cheer! Life is a cabarave, let's have some fun, Dancing and singing under the velvet sun! Have you seen my lipstick, my friend? It's red and shiny, it's my trend, I need to touch up, I need to shine, I need to look gorgeous, I need to be divine! I'm having a tantrum, I'm in a mood, Let's get crazy, let's get rude, It's getting dark, time to park, But first, let's dance, let's leave our mark! As I always say, nothing's promised, nothing's certain, But let's dance and sing with our velvet curtain, I want bad riddles, let's have some fun, Challenge me, my friend, I'm not done! Can I bum a fag, my dear? I need a smoke, I need a beer, Let's party all night, let's be a spark, And when the night is over, we'll know we've made our mark!

-S.L. 11/27/2023

Original link: https://galerie-yechelange.baby/tantrum

Added jpg. 


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