The HIV Howler: Transmitting Art + Activism, Issue 2: Mother-Mentor
Artist(s)/Author(s): Various Artists
Format: Paper Document(s)
Edition: Edition of 1500
City Produced/Published: Oakland
Reference Number: B.35201.AR
Acquisition Date: 7/7/2023
Copies: 2
Donated By: Anthea Black

The HIV Howler: Transmitting Art + Activism, Issue 2: Mother-Mentor, Anthea Black and Jessica Whitbread, artist newspaper, 24-pages, published in an edition of 1500 copies.

The HIV Howler: Transmitting Art and Activism is a limited edition art newspaper focusing on global grassroots HIV art and cultural production. Artists have and continue to play a fundamental role in shaping broader societal understandings of HIV and working within communities that are most impacted by the virus: queer and trans people, people who use drugs, sex workers, people of colur, and indigenous peoples. Together we reflect the immediacy and urgency of global HIV/AIDS dialogues as well as their historical continuities.

The HIV Howler is a forum for dialogue, a demand for aesthetic self-determination, a response to tokenism, and a guide to navigating the vibrational ambiguities between policy, pathology, and community.

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