Institutional Garbage
Artist(s)/Author(s): Lara Schoorl
Format: Book
Edition: 1/750
Dimensions: 6.5" x 8.5"
ISBN: 978-0-9974165-3-4
City Produced/Published: Milwaukee
Reference Number: ST.30987.SC
Acquisition Date: 1/27/2019
Copies: 1

Based on an exhibit curated by Caroline Picard and Lara Schoorl, Institutional Garbage presents the administrative residue of imaginary public institutions produced by artists, writers, and curators. This residue includes but is not limited to contracts, email correspondences, documented unproductivity, syllabi, scanned objects, and obstacle courses; collecting such fragments in one place, Institutional Garbage illustrates the backend activities of imaginary bureaucracies in an effort to trace the private life of institutional endeavors. What comes to the fore is not a cohesive, singular agenda, but instead a cross-section of often misfired objects that, once assembled, try to tease out new strategies for community arts production, education, sustainability, and value assessment. Institutional Garbage resulted from a 2014 invitation from RISD students posed to the Green Lantern Press during the Hyde Park Art Center’s 75th anniversary. Both the online exhibition and the publication were designed by Pouya Ahmadi. - 

- MD 1/27/2019

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