Mother Fucking Church with Lollypop, episode 2
Artist(s)/Author(s): laub
Format: Audio
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 10/11/2015
Reference Number: DO.15378.LA
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 10/11/2015
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

if this is not love mAGic thAN wHAt is?

thAt pLAce is NowHeRe I wANt to BE - cluddeRed SHit piLes- intoxiCAted-

-BRiNG oN tHe cHAoS-

ExistiNG iN A woRLd witHout you doesn’t inteRest me- i’d RAtheR smaSH my BRAiNS witH tHe momentum of a fRee fALL

wAsn’t it PeteR wHo fell through tHe molecules of HydRogen + HydRogen + oxygen? 

WHo’s jEsuS? -

Only one of us cAN fly- tHe otHer must FALL witH tHe unexpected gRace of A ScAm-

Its oK-

my motHeR will nurse me Back to deAtH- its BeeN HeR dReAm ALL ALoNG- And God ceRtAinLy Knows i’m doiNG ALL tHis foR HeR-

A tRue stoRy-

tHe tragedy of life is ALwAys moRe well Received tHan tHe success-

But suppoSiN we BotH fell- supposing its tRue tHAt jEsus isn’t ReAL-

to Be A people is to douBt the ReAL-

to Be A cHiLd is to fAitHfuLLy jump RegARdless if it is ReAl oR Not-

Love is A freedom RAGiNG SONG- G?D SPeAK-




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