Poetry Project Newsletter #272
Artist(s)/Author(s): Various Artists
Format: Book
Date Published/Produced: 2023
City Produced/Published: New York
Reference Number: B.37784.VA
Acquisition Date: 9/27/2024
Copies: 1

The Poetry Project Newsletter is the Project’s quarterly publication for reviews, essays, interviews, poems, remembrances and arts criticism. Published continuously since 1972 and freely available online and at our public events, the Newsletter is a place for poets to talk and think with each other about poetry and everything else we do.

Spring 2023

Cover Art: Max Warsh, Eleventh Street (2023), cut photographs, color xeroxes and inkjet prints on wood, 18" x 24". Artist Max Warsh writes: “This collage brings together fragments of images of buildings photographed along 11th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues, a corridor that connects P.S. 19, where we went to elementary school, and The Poetry Project, where we spent so much time during those same years.” 




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