Artist(s)/Author(s): Yann Novak
Format: Archive Item, Audio, Digital File
Edition: Edition of 500
Dimensions: 5 x 5
Duration: 42min
Publisher: 12k
Date Aired/Exhibited: 9/17/2010
City Produced/Published: New York
Reference Number: B.32300.NO
Acquisition Date: 3/25/2021
Copies: 1
Collection: John Burtle
Donated By: John Burtle

'Relocation.Reconstruction' is derived from the sound elements of the three installations in Yann Novak’s solo exhibition 'Relocation' at Lawrimore Project (May 2009). In the original exhibition, Novak explored the multitude of emotional states experienced during and after the relocation of one’s life.

With this latest work, Novak continues his exploration into this theme a year after the initial event that inspired him, with the new insight that although he has arrived at his destination, the relocation process is far from over. By utilizing the altered sounds of the previous works as a point of departure, 'Relocation.Reconstruction' retains some of the moods and themes of its predecessors, but reconstructs them into a slowly evolving, immersive composition. Textures, tones and faint melodies drift in and out of audible perception, never standing still, always in a state of becoming and disintegration. Through the development of this static, yet dynamic state, a familiar sense of melancholy arises from these simultaneous experiences of discovery and loss.

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