SOULFRIEND Episode 12: Co-Host Kyla Stallman
Artist(s)/Author(s): Gaea Woods, Kyla Stallman
Format: Audio
Series: Soulfriend
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 6/24/2015
Reference Number: DO.10880.WO
Acquisition Date: 6/24/2015
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

Kyla Stallman and I discuss: Online dating profiles. Overcoming the awkwardness of online dating. Dating as a transgender individual. Caitlyn Jenner. The role of a transgender person as an educator. The etiquette of asking questions about someone who is transgender. Can two people be friends if one person wants a romantic relationship but the other one doesn’t? If you and another person are attracted to one eachother but you know they want something really serious and you don’t, how shitty is it to hook up with them? How to be fair in a relationship if you don’t yet know what you want from the person - eg: something serious or something casual. Deal breakers in dating. Best locations to make out in LA. Making out in public. Staying over at someone’s house (or not) after hooking up. Balancing dependence and independence in relationships. Bad tattoos. Going dutch. Is it true that women don’t have a preference if they cum during or after sex.

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