SOULFRIEND Episode 37: Co-Host Kristy Baltezore
Series: Soulfriend
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 8/31/2016
Reference Number: DO.22010.BA
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 8/31/2016
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

Kristy Baltezore & I discuss: Bangs. Eros and the psyche - expanding the definition of eros beyond a purely sexual description. Men expressing their feelings. Beyonce & Jay Z - if we lose respect for Beyonce if she stays with Jay Z after he cheats on her? Whether it’s better to wait to see someone face to face to discuss a relationship issue or if it’s best to text about it to resolve it right away. Near accidental kisses with married men. Chemistry within professional relationships. Kristy coins the phrase “your breathe smells like marriage.” What can love teach us about work and love about work. Review of Playboy, “The Freedom Issue.”

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