SOULFRIEND Episode 40: Co-host Hadas
Series: Soulfriend
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 10/12/2016
Reference Number: DO.22836.WO
Acquisition Date: 10/12/2016
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

Hadas and I discuss: Transgender vocabulary. How to talk to women. Getting out of bad dates. When it's ok to follow someone ur dating on Instagram. Dating after breakups/rebounds. Ideas for getting into bdsm & kink. Dating someone who puts a lot of faith into psychics and astrology...when you don't. Dating to not go stale. Determining if you're good in bed. Your partner thinking about other people during sex. Deciding when it's a good idea to move in with your partner. Keeping a positive attitude through the often difficult process of online dating. Loving yourself. How my puppy Teddy is the best. 

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