SOULFRIEND Episode 43: Co-Host Joey Serxner
Artist(s)/Author(s): Joey Serxner
Format: Audio
Series: Soulfriend
Publisher: KCHUNG
Date Aired/Exhibited: 11/23/2016
Reference Number: DO.23576.SE
Location: Digital Online
Acquisition Date: 11/23/2016
Collection: KCHUNG Archive

Joey Serxner and I discuss: morning hikes. Instant turnoff animals. Accepting cats on a cat to cat basis. Love languages, (FYI Joey's is French). What does Joey think is yummy for women's fashion. When is it appropriate to invite your significant other home for the holidays...what factors are involved? Sexy movie ideas for dates. Any hard and fast rules for moving in with the person you're dating. The fears associated with getting rid of your tv, bed etc. to merge your items with those of your SO. First & second date ideas. Aphrodisiac foods. Ethics code for discussing STD'S/STI'S with the person you're sleeping with/dating. Tips for giving good blow jobs.

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