Squirrels on Earth and Stars Above
Artist(s)/Author(s): Peter Warshall
Format: Book
Publisher: Hors-Sujet
Reference Number: ST.36007.WA
Location: Stacks
Acquisition Date: 2/2/2024

"Peter Warshall: Squirrels on Earth and Stars Above presents for the first time a collection of the essays and lectures of the late Maniacal Naturalist, Peter Warshall (1943-2013). A generalist ecologist and essayist with a special enthusiasm for natural history, ornithology, and hydrology, Warshall influenced a generation of countercultural field biologists, poets, and activists. He was the land-use and anthropology editor for the Whole Earth Catalog , one of the head biologists and environmental designers for Biosphere 2, a lecturer on ecopoetics at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, and a natural resources consultant for USAID, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Ethiopia, and the Tohono O’odham and Apache nations. Assembled from his personal archive, the book showcases Peter’s innovative thinking on the constitutive affinities and tensions between ecology, environmentalism, and poetics at the heart of some of today’s most urgent debates about the place of our species within the living planet." Edited by Parker Hatley. -S.L. 02/02/2024

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