Tentative Tract No. 73755
Artist(s)/Author(s): Kane Lafia
Format: Archive Item, Paper Document(s)
Date Aired/Exhibited: 1/19/2016
City Produced/Published: Los Angeles
Reference Number: B.30472.LA
Acquisition Date: 3/17/2018
Collection: Chestnut Lodge
Donated By: Kane Lafia

Demolition plan issued by local government to tenants of the Chestnut Lodge

"This piece of paper which survived the house fire details the plan for the demolition of the lodge. It features a satellite image of the house which is legally known as “Tentative Tract No. 73755”. It was pasted on the fence of our house about a year before the fire. We are not sure if the application for demolition was actually ever accepted which would strengthen the argument that the arson that was committed was in fact an attempt at insurance fraud." - Kane Lafia

-MD 3/17/2018

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