title: The Unwrinkled Ear special on C. Spencer Yeh
show: The Unwrinkled Ear
aired: 6/9/2015
venue: KCHUNG
description: Burning Star Core - Clouds In My CoffeeC. Spencer Yeh - VII (from Solo Voice)Burning Star Core - NYARLATHWOTEPBurning Star Core - *a*d*p*a* (from fig. 5) - a definitive party atmosphere - I said "generection x" - girls are gravy/ TSHAPSIIBurning Star Core and Comets on Fire - YikYak007C. Spencer yeh - VIIIBurning Star Core - The PresidentBurning Star Core - Third Return of the JuiceBurning Star Core - Ground Control to Major HeckyBurning Star Core - Organic Silver No. 8Burning Star Core - The Act of Sitting With One's Own AssSaxophone Limb - Hog DotBurning Star Core - Drips (Skit)C. Spencer Yeh - VBurning Star Core - Inflatable DogFlaherty Corsano Yeh - Swamp Like Heartache
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