title: The Unwrinkled Ear special "The Sound of Objects"
show: The Unwrinkled Ear
aired: 9/1/2015
artists/guests: Andrew W. Choate
keywords: LeRoy Stevens, walter marchetti, gordon monahan, alan lamb, mickey hart, chris watson, judy dunaway, object recordings, object music, landscape music
venue: KCHUNG
description: Special inspired by LeRoy Stevens new double LP Underground Sculpture (Small World); Discussion of the connectoins between these pieces occurs throughout the program.Mickey Hart - Music To Be Born ByDr. G. W. Manning - Heart AuscultationsWalter Marchettit - AntibarbarusHenry Cowell - Tides of ManaunaunLeRoy Stevens - 2 Detectors, 1 PersonGordon Monahan - Speaker Swinging (Part 1)LeRoy Stevens - Vertical Scan; Horizontal ScanAlan Lamb - BeautyLeif Elggren/ Per Jonsson/ Kent Tankred - UGNDale Garfinkel/ Jim Denley/ Monika Brooks/ Anthony Magen - RootsLeRoy Stevens - Internal Mic and Line-InMartine Altenburger/ Laurence Elvézi/ Jean Pallandre - Le SantussouChris Watson - VulturesGerhard Rühm - Pencil Music Nr. 10Josef-Anton-Riedl - Paper MusicJudy Dunaway - The Rubber ForestLeRoy Stevens - DuetHarold Ousley - Sweet Double Hipness
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