title: The Unwrinkled Ear
show: The Unwrinkled Ear
aired: 11/10/2015
venue: KCHUNG
description: Noid/ Taku Unami/ Kai Fagaschinksi - 1Wendyfix - SlowStephanie McDee - Call the PoliceThe Police - On Any Other DayVocColours & Eberhard Kranemann - BassanoiaBee Mask - Scarlet Thread, Golden Cord (while announcing)Jacques Demierre - Free FightRobert Wyatt - PigsTed Milton/ Loopspool - Suck on the NightStine Janvin Motland - soloPatrik Fitzgerald - Little FishesKirill Medvedev - Holy, Lonely Creatures (poem recited)Brotherhood of Breath - Yes, PleaseMel Tormé/ Buddy Rich - Lady Be GoodAl Kent - Freak GrooveJoshua Abrams - TranslucentAMM (Butcher/ Tilbury/ Prévost) - FlamsteadBulbul - meek bomb rattle droplet
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