title: SOULFRIEND Episode 49: Co-Host James Nelson
show: Soulfriend
aired: 2/15/2017
artists/guests: Gaea Woods, James Nelson
keywords: soulfriend, soul, friend, love advice, love opinions, sex stories, Valentine's Day, online dating, xoxo
venue: KCHUNG
description: James and I discuss our post Valentine's Day feelings & Valentine's Day in general. The dating app Hater that matches you with people based on what you hate. James tells us about his experiences on Tinder and Bumble. James tells us about a sexual encounter that landed he and his partner in the ER. Posting photos of your SO on Instagram for Valentine’s Day, when is it too soon / what’s too personal to post. James and I discuss the types of men and women we avoid dating. How long to wait to call someone after getting their number.
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