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title: AW Episode 9: The How of Principle 1 of The Revolution
aired: 5/19/2013
artists/guests: Jennifer Moon, Robert Watkins
venue: KCHUNG

description: Principle 1 of The Revolution defines abundance and details the process of learning how to operate from a place of abundance. The foundation of abundance is unadulterated love of oneself so learning how to operate from a place of abundance is synonymous with learning how to love oneself and learning how to love oneself means learning how to pay attention to yourself—all of yourself, including the parts that you judge as awful and work hard to push down and deny. How do you access those parts of you that you may not know exist because they have been banished? You start by becoming hyper-aware of how you judge others because the things you judge so harshly in others are essentially the things you judge so harshly in yourself. How am I similar to pedophiles and animal abusers and everyone else I judge as horrible and awful? Listen to episode 9 of AW and find out. If you want to be a revolutionary and bring about a new world of love and continuous expansion for ALL on this earth and beyond, you must learn to love EVERYONE; otherwise love is destroyed as a political concept and the only true transformative force. Robert's principled playlist.

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