title: AW Episode 10: The Magic of Principle 2 of The Revolution
show: Adventures Within
aired: 6/16/2013
artists/guests: Jennifer Moon, Robert Watkins
venue: KCHUNG
description: Can you imagine a letting go of self, a loss of self, a sort of death of self in order to merge with others and the world to create a third combined super entity, much like Doug and Warlock of The New Mutants? This merging requires a trust and faith that only comes from operating from a place of abundance. Principle 2 of The Revolution states, "Always choose the most expansive route from moment to moment because the most expansive route can change from moment to moment, which will then allow one to always remain in the moment and it is only in the present moment that one can access the magic." The ability to be completely present originates from knowing that you are enough for the mere fact that you exist. This state of abundance will then allow you to loosen your grasp on self and become available to merge with all that exists around you. Have a listen to episode 10 of AW and learn how to make possible the impossible! Robert's magic playlist.
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