[Darian Klein and friends' box of books]
Artist(s)/Author(s): Darian Klein
Format: Archive Item, Paper Document(s)
Keywords: zines
Dimensions: 4.75 x 7.25 x 2.25
Date Aired/Exhibited: 10/20/2012
City Produced/Published: Los Angeles
Reference Number: B.28129.KL
Collection: Human Resources

Box includes 20 small zines + one screenprint descriptive sheet. The release party for the project was held at HRLA on Saturday, October 20, 2012. 

Darian Klein and friends': Box of Books, Vol. V

"For the fifth consecutive year, Darin Klein & Friends present the collaborative 'zine project Box of Books. An all-new selection of artists and friends has learned to make their very own simple booklet using a single piece of paper and a specific folding technique. The outcome is an edition of 100 boxes, all containing each of the participants’ work - a diverse and exciting mix of images and texts, and a broad range of styles and concepts. 

Box of Books, Vol. V showcases the work of Brandon Andrew, Sadie Barnette, Ryan Brewer & AA Bronson, Deric Carner, Ray Cha, Joshua Chaney, Brian Gainey, JIMMY the zine, Daniel Ingroff, Jonesy, Karen Kevorkian, Tommy Kovac, Molly Larkey, Perla Yasmeen Melendéz, Narcissister, Paul Pescador, Steven Reigns, Jimena Sarno, Matt Wardell, and Suzanne Wright."

-From artist's website
