Thirty-one Friends (October)
Artist(s)/Author(s): James Benning
Format: Book
Number of Pages: 70
Dimensions: 8.75 x 10.5
ISBN: 057816244X
Publisher: Marfa Book Company
City Produced/Published: Marfa
Reference Number: OS.32135.BE
Acquisition Date: 1/13/2021
Copies: 1
Collection: Laurel Doody Library Supply
Donated By: Fiona Connor
James Benning designed this book to accompany his exhibition, "Thirty-one Friends," which Marfa Book Company hosted in the Summer of 2015. The book consists of short portraits-in-text written by James Benning for each of the thirt-yone friends to whom the thirty-one objects in the exhibition were dedicated. Along with these texts are included a beautiful photograph of each object and a hort description, also written by James.
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