Sod and Sodie Sock
Format: Audio, Digital File
Duration: 57min
Date Aired/Exhibited: 11/26/1996
City Produced/Published: Los Angeles
Reference Number: B.32291.KE
Acquisition Date: 3/25/2021
Copies: 1
Collection: John Burtle
Donated By: John Burtle

10 tracks. 

Sod and Sodie Sock documents a performance at the P-House gallery, Tokyo, where the three musicians performed together and separately. The action extended beyond the gallery, into the street in front, and down the block to a local hair salon. Recordings documenting the simultaneous activities of Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy and Violent Onsen Geisha have been combined to allow the listener to experience the entire group of, spatially separated, performances at once.

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