Remote/Control: Astral Projection in Higher Ed
Artist(s)/Author(s): Thomas Lawson, Maya Gurantz, Emma Kemp, Adriana Widdoes, Zachary Leener, Janet Owen Driggs, Linda Swanson, Cole M. James
Format: Digital File
Publisher: East of Borneo
City Produced/Published: Valencia/Los Angeles
Reference Number: ST.32565.LA
Acquisition Date: 8/29/2021
Collection: reCourse work
, Collection: East of Borneo
Donated By: East of Borneo
Remote/Control is a collection of digital ephemera (syllabi, email correspondence, memes, etc.) and writings produced by artist faculty at the start of the pandemic in 2020. The book serves as an archive in charting the current state and future of educational art institutions.
-East of Borneo
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