Hey Partner
Artist(s)/Author(s): Nick Flessa
Format: Audio
Keywords: Karaoke
City Produced/Published: Los Angeles
Reference Number: B.32603.FL
Acquisition Date: 9/10/2021
Copies: 1
Donated By: Nick Flessa

I’m elated to announce the release of Hey Partner on Different Pep. It’s a selection of lounge songs for Yamaha RY8 drum machine and voice, with electronic sax arrangements provided by the inimitable Greg Marino. I have performed this set a handful of times over the past three years (beginning with Julienne Fusello’s exhibition at As It Stands) and am jazzed to share it with y’all as a recording. Topics covered include: letting go after heartbreak, Taix Social Club, student loan debt and the discomfort of compromises made for personal gain, contending with art world desperation, and falling in love. These are the greatest karaoke hits you’ve never heard, derived from a personal existential songbook during the late 2010s in Los Angeles.

-N.F. 9/10/21

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