The Heart of a Hand
Artist(s)/Author(s): Kang Seung Lee
Format: Book
Dimensions: 9" x 11"
ISBN: 979-9-9887895-0-5
Date Aired/Exhibited: 3/25/2023
City Produced/Published: Monterey Park
Reference Number: ST.36717.SE
Location: Stacks
Acquisition Date: 7/1/2024

The Heart of A Hand pays tribute to Goh Choo San (1948–1987), a pioneering Singaporean-born choreographer who died of an AIDS-related illness at the age of thirty-nine. Although Goh choreographed and performed for prominent ballet companies throughout Asia, Europe, and North America during his lifetime, his legacy remains largely absent from queer, cultural, and dance histories in the United States.

The Heart of A Hand derives its name from a poem by Mexican writer Xavier Villaurrutia (1903–1950). Woven throughout the exhibition are several passages by Villaurrutia and other artists of Goh’s generation, each transcribed in an American Sign Language font adapted by Lee from the paintings by artist Martin Wong (1946–1999). These texts, along with dried plants and seeds collected from various queer sites, draw new lines of connection among queer artists and lived experience across space and time.
