[Invitation and program booklet for An Intergenerational Women's Dinner]
Format: Archive Item
Keywords: invitation
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 in
Date Published/Produced: 6/2014
Reference Number: B.38264.WO
Acquisition Date: 4/10/2024
Copies: 1

Booklet for the dinner event that concluded the Women's Center for Creative Work's "Year-Long Labratory," a research and development phase before WCCW opened a physical space. The booklet includes the menu, instructions to the dinner location, a list of particpants and their bios, writings by Katie Bachler and Kimberly Foster, and an interview with Sheila Levrant de Bretteville. Last remaining copy, somewhat damaged. Staple bound, cream-colored cover with green interior pages.

Designed by Kate Johnston Elkan, with help from Laura Bernstain. Illustrations by Katie Bachler.

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