These wines, loose leaf teas, flowers and juices, propose at least a moment for us to take in what remains: art and care for one another. The work just might not sit inside museums or gallery walls. It might be outside, over a drink at home or wherever you practice. This drink is for the challenging times, the rejection letter, for going out when you have work the next day, for uncertainty while laughing with friends.
Artwork labels by:
Anja Salonen
Caia Lee
Candice Lin
Corazón Del Sol + Devin Reynolds
CFGNY: (Kirsten Kilponen, Daniel Chew, Ten Izu, and Tin Nguyen)
Umar Rashid
Pippa Garner
Reynaldo Rivera
Maddy Inez (wine toppers)
For this years fundraiser LACA worked with Ashanta Wines and Senses Café Project. We offer a unique variety of 6 natural wines and 2 non-alcoholic drinks, each paired with original artwork labels. Wines are limited, and will be available online until sold out. Supporters can pick up orders for free at LACA December 6, 7, 13, 14, or purchase shipping (with support from Psychic Wines).
Looking for more ways to support this holiday?
Sign up for LACA’s new newsletter or make a one time donation here.
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