Overcrossings Project was a series of three happenings on three pedestrian overcrossings above the Interstate-110 Arroyo Seco Freeway during summer 2016. The project culminates with a book launch and panel discussion at Los Angeles Contemporary Archive (LACA).
The I-110, celebrated as the world’s first freeway, has cut a wall through the communities of Chinatown, Cypress Park, Highland Park, and South Pasadena. In an attempt to provide safe access across these inhuman spaces, pedestrian overcrossings both accommodate and cage the body.
Sixteen artists and two collectives engaged with each site and its surrounding communities through performances, temporary installations, writing, and print-specific projects for the publication. In this alienating maze of concrete and vehicles, how do we inhabit the paths built for walking?
Panel moderated by:
Harry Gamboa Jr.
Jonathan Crisman
Flora Kao
Andrea Huber
Frances Huynh
Ryan S. Jeffery
Kristy Lovich
Scott Oshima
Chinatown overcrossing walking tour:
Eugene Moy with Wendy Chung.
Erik Benjamins
Jess & Yvette Castillo
Jonathan Crisman
Steven Chodoriwsky
Andrea Huber
Frances Huynh
Ryan S. Jeffery
Flora Kao
Isa Knafo
LABOR, PATAO & Alex Reed
Julie & Kristy Lovich
Heather M. O’Brien
Scott Oshima
Jonathan Takahashi
Overcrossings book launch + panel
Sunday, November 12 from 2-4 PM
Los Angeles Contemporary Archive (LACA)
709 N Hill St #104-108, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2nd floor)
Image courtesy of Auto Club of Southern California Archives.