Join LACA at Acid-Free Los Angeles Art Book Market(@acidfreelosangeles)
Booth A5
Alongside Vista Oral
Opening May 4: 6 – 9PM; May 5 & 6: 11AM – 7PM, hosted by Blum & Poe Los Angeles
LACA (BOOTH Programming during Acid-Free Los Angeles Art Book Market (@acidfreelosangeles):
Sat. May 5, 11 AM
Screening Short Movie Image Works
The Pretense of Knowledge, Ryan S Jeffery
Give, David de Rozas
Robert, Shasha Dothan
Self Passage, Rasmus Røhling
Farmacopea, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
The Depoliticization of Black Cinema, John Calvin Story
Sat. May 5, 4 PM
Torcat Tiqaucrat Mystics Ahtrae Scott Benzel performance
with Stephanie Cheng Smith, Laura Steenberge, Cassia Streb, Christine Tabolacci.
Sun. May 6, 5 PM
Institutional Papers
Readers: Lara Schoorl, Jae Hwan Lim Rachel Zaretsky, Clarice De Veyra
New Publications: (Booth A5)
Chloe Ginnegar and Nick Flessa, Recipe Box Book
Scott Benzel, Expanded Syllabus, Limited Edition of Uncorrected Proof
LACA Course Reader III